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SMS Centre: SMS Centre is a 32 bit (Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP) client for sending SMS Messages to a mobile phone or SMS/Paging Messages to any worldwide network whose dial in service centre supports the TAP protocol
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Buy SMS Centre 7.02 Full Version


SMS Centre



Supported languages: English, German, Italian
Supported OS: Win95 / Win98 / WinME / WinXP / Windows2000
Downloaded: 2444 times
Free download (2.57 Mb) Buy full version for only $40.00!
SMS Centre is a 32 bit (Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP) client for sending SMS Messages to a mobile phone on any of the four major UK Network networks or SMS/Paging Messages to any worldwide network whose dial in service centre supports the TAP protocol. SMS Centre exposes a programming interface (Programmers API) to enable third-party programs to process messages and then use SMS Centre remotely to deliver them by Mobile Phone or Pager world-wide. SMS Centre has a Message Queue facility and it is possible to queue multiple messages to either a single or to multiple providers. SMS Centre will work out which network to send each message to and dial accordingly. Key Benefits - Does not depend on a mobile phone prefix to work out which network a pager or mobile phone is on. Either uses the default network (where SMS inter-network capability exists) or uses the network specified by the user within the Telephone Directory item thus catering for those countries where number portability exists between networks as well as for those countries where it does not - Using Broadcast, can maintain group lists which may contain members who are in different countries and on different networks - The wide choice of networks available worldwide ensures that messages can be routed by the most economical means. In the United Kingdom, for example, it may be cheaper to use a network service centre in America or Australia rather than using a network service centre at home which may incur premium rate or mobile rate call charges - Has a programmable interface (NOT the Network Edition) for external access to SMS and Paging features - Unlike most other paging and SMS software, SMS Centre uses TAPI and is a 32 bit Windows program which will co-operate with other TAPI devices wishing to use the same communications port. TAPI also ensures that calls can be initiated with a wide range of devices such as ISDN, Cellular etc

Keywords: pager paging sms wireless messaging text TAP UCP page short message service
Free download (2.57 Mb) Buy full version for only $40.00!
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