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File Management software: Path Lister, AttributeMagic, Clipboard Assistant, Quick View Folder Size, Owl Commander, AEVITA Wipe and Delete, AFile Attribute Manager, HandyFile Find and Replace: Office Edition, PHOTORECOVERY® for Mac OSX, PS to Image sdk/com single license, Image To PDF COM/SDK, Merge PST For Outlook
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633 programs in Utilities / File Management
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Path Lister 1.0

Utilities/ File Management
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View a customizable listing of the contents for any folder on your computer. Save it as text or PDF. 251

AttributeMagic 1.0.3

Utilities/ File Management
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AttributeMagic - utility to view and change file attributes: creation date, last access date and modify date. 251

Clipboard Assistant 1.17

Utilities/ File Management
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Clipboard Assistant is intended for an acceleration and a simplification of text operations via the Clipboard. You can use it while you are writing programs, filling Web forms, making sections of related news items, etc. You can create collections of 251

Quick View Folder Size 3.0

Utilities/ File Management
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When you want to know the size of the folder, you have to right click on the folder name and have to choose the properties one by one. Now you can view folder size rapidly and automatically, use Quick View Folder Size. 251

Owl Commander 1.2

Utilities/ File Management
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Owl Commander is a multi panel and multi desktop file manager and FTP .
Extended copying , moving, renaming and deleting of entire trees,
Non-limited panel quantity and 4 desktop's
Built in file viewer
Internal ZIP/Unzip.
Internal FTP client. 251

AEVITA Wipe and Delete 1.04

Utilities/ File Management
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AEVITA Wipe & Delete is a reliable and ultra-fast shredder that will help you securely erase any file or folder without any chances for its recovery. AEVITA Wipe & Delete - the tool that deletes for real, once and for all! 251

AFile Attribute Manager

Utilities/ File Management
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AFile Attribute Manager allows for the easy retrieval and setting file and folder date, time and attribute information. With AFile Attribute Manager you can change a file / folder's creation date/time, modification date/time and attributes. 251

HandyFile Find and Replace: Office Edition 3.4.5

Utilities/ File Management
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HandyFile Find and Replace: Office Edition by silveragesoftware.com can search and replace text in as many files as you want. This program with clear user interface will save you a lot of time that you spend daily for updating your files. 251


Utilities/ File Management
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PHOTORECOVERY® can recover pictures that have been deleted off the storage media. PHOTORECOVERY® can even recover your images from media that has been formatted*. (*Some Fuji cameras excluded) 251

PS to Image sdk/com single license 2.0

Utilities/ File Management
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PS to Image is a windows application sdk which can directly convert ps/eps to dozens of image formats, such as bmp、tiff、jpeg、gif、png、pcx、emf、wmf, and so on. It is easy to use and it is not based on print method. 251

Image To PDF COM/SDK 3.1

Utilities/ File Management
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Image To PDF can directly convert dozens of image formats, such as TIF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PSD, WMF, EMF, PDF, PCX, PIC and so on, into PDF format. 251

Merge PST For Outlook 2.4

Utilities/ File Management
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Being Outlook users, you and every one associated with you might have encountered Outlook PST management situations when PST files are huge. You are feeling panic is surely but not any longer as you are looking at perhaps SysTools PST Merge Software? 251
Our Choice

Recover My Files Data Recovery Software 3.98

CDRoller 6.11.1

WinNc.Net 4.5

VirtualDrive CD Emulator 11

ImTOO iPhone Transfer Platinum for Mac

AttributeMagic Pro 2.2 beta11

AVD FileList 2.0

Acronis Disk Director Suite windstorm 10.7

MediAvatar iPad Software Suite Pro

Acronis Drive Cleanser 6.0

AttributeMagic Pro 2.1 beta9

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